
The majority of websites on the Internet are written in the English language and are accessed by people around the world. Unfortunately, not everyone can read and understand the English language, hence the need to add Google Translate to a WordPress website to make it a multilingual website.

Google translates your WordPress website with the GTranslate plugin to make it multilingual. Google Translate uses an automatic translation service to translate WordPress sites with Google Power and make it multilingual websites.

GTranslate has over 103 available languages, which makes your site available to more than 99% of internet users. Google Translate has a free version and a paid version. Gtranslate’s paid versions are fully SEO compatible, which will increase your international traffic and sales.

Gtranslate plugin is a budget multilingual WordPress solution that combines automatic and human translations. It’s easy to implement and helps you to save money as well.

Though Google Translate is not 100% accurate most of the time, it it worth going for. So, if you do want better translation accuracy for things like memberships, contracts, and service offers, you should consider getting the service of a translator and using a multilingual plugin. Google Translate is a rough translator and may not be a good idea for such a purpose.

Why Add Google Translate to WordPress

One may ask, “Why the need to add Google Translate to a Worldpress site. What can one benefit from Google Translate? Well, the need to make your website multilingual can not be overemphasized since our websites are being accessed by users in different parts of the world.

Most populous countries in the world don’t speak English or consider it a second language. Countries like India and China consider the English language a second language. While others like Brazil, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Russia, and Pakistan may not understand English, Mexico does. Google Translate helps make your webpages accessible in different countries and in multiple languages.

How to Set Up Google Translate to a WordPress Site

Having understood what Google Translate is all about and the need to set it up on your website. Here, we will be walking you through steps on how to add Google Translate to a WordPress website using the Google Language Translator plugin.

Google Language Translator is a popular plugin with over 100,000 websites active. The installation process is simple and straightforward. You only need to select which language your website is set up in and the language you want it translated into. And then place the translate option anywhere using a widget.

Login to your WordPress Admin Page

  1. Click on Plugins
  2. Select Add New
  3. Type Google language translator on the search bar
  4. Click on Install Now. Then, activate.
Google Translate

To set up Google Language Translate:

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Select Google Language Translator
  3. Activate Plugin Status by checking the small box
  4. Choose the original language of your website
  5. Check to show flags image if you want
  6. Allow floating widget text to translate. just check the box
  7. Save Changes after you’ve select the necessary settings.

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